Noun: One who cannot control his girlfriend, let alone anyone, and is mad fuckin dramatic. One who leaves people randomly in a liqour store. One who ruins people's nights cause he thinks the world revolves around his sad little universe.

Verb: To be gay
Noun : Nigga you can't control that bitch, pussy whipped nigga, not even getting pussy! You're such a Calero bro
by AdamLodiNj November 20, 2011
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1. Pure Energy
2. Stud
3. Genius
4. Perfection
You are the Kent Calero of your department!
by No Name Present March 12, 2010
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Type of passionate sex that involves pleasuring each other tenderly and very sensually
Fangte Calero is very effective if you want to make your boyfriend/girlfriend go into an orgasm they will orgasm very fast! ahhhh.. the wonders of Fangte Calero
by Omaryillis October 27, 2010
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