Just amazing pretty smart educated girls with big fat wet soaking wet tight poms poms poms the size of grapefruits, these girls are paid and very loving and supports the talented Chelin
Her: you know who chemob ?

Him: yesss them the girls with the big fat poms poms poms
by Bigfatmusfasacatmeoww September 10, 2021
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Chemob is full of royal kings, queens, princes and princesses. The best family on bigo. We eating all them hoes up and it’s no shade.

“When you see them crowns, that means some royal bitches have entered.” — MOTHA
by JMNSAT4N March 22, 2021
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CheMob,the most annoying support group on bigo. They are broke,fat and young underage children.
CheMob is so annoying and broke.
by Soumm January 17, 2021
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