It does not necessarily mean that YOU are GOATED with the sauce. When someone hits a triple double on Spligate Big Head Snipers that act may be considered as busting down sexual style. WITH a likelyhood of being GOATED with the sauce. By such one can extrapolate the meaning of this expression to being absolutely nutty or straight up quirked up. GEESED.
"White boy who busted down sexual style, is not necessarily GOATED with the sauce" -Tucker Carlson 2022
" I see he was busting down sexual style"
by Suslord January 30, 2022
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To cook (do good) in a given situation.
“My nigga Terry be bust(ing) it down sexual style, he absolutely killed that show!”
“Dad: Son, how’d you do in your exam?

Son: I am absolutely bust(ing) it down sexual style, I got a perfect score!”
by RMG_OFC May 7, 2024
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