
usually vulgar

FAlSE HISTORY, or fictional historical narrative with no supporting evidence.


especially : stupid, or foolish insolent talk

Bullshit, crap, drivel, gibberish, guff, hogwash, nonsense, rubbish, baloney, bosh, bunkum, flim-flam, hokum, hooey, malarkey
moonshine, phooey, poppycock, bullpucky


Term coined by the acclaimed author and New Testament scholar Robert M. Price sometime in the 00s. Portmanteau of bullshit and the German word “geschichte” (history).
The result of which is an extremely pleasurable word to say. Try it yourself: bull-ge-shi-j-ta
Can you believe that one billion people actually believe that a man was born of a virgin woman who was impregnated by the Middle Eastern deity Yahwe about 2020 years ago? Total bullgeschichte.
by Boooom December 8, 2020
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