When a White Heterosexual Affluent Male, or WHAM, feels threatened by non-WHAM, particularly in politics or pop culture, he will make obnoxious ad hominem attacks. But because the WHAM typically does not possess much intellect OR self-confidence, he'll enlist the help of other online bullies to swarm his victim: hence, BroHive.

Despite connotations, a responding member of BroHive needn't identify as male -- maintaining Patriarchy has often attracted females like Phyllis Schlaffly, that Jameela Jamil calls "Double Agents."

Similarly, while many associate "Bros" with Bernie Sanders, "BernieBros" is to "Bros" as "Square" is to "Rectangle." Often, BroHive will activate any time you mention, for instance, the Second Amendment. There is seldom an attempt to make any serious point; the swarm will merely make ridiculous Strawman Fallacies.

The point of BroHive is not to change hearts or minds, merely to harass people into silence. They will even do this to people who are ACTIVELY working on the causes that BroHive profiles CLAIM to support, if the victim doesn't support the cause EXACTLY the way the BroHive want. Furthermore, when victims of BroHive defend themselves, the root narcissism of BroHive will make them believe that they, the perpetrators, are actually the victims, at which point they feel justified in doxxing their victims, photoshopping their victims into offensive and often violent memes, etc.
"All I did was point out that Susan Sarandon, a wealthy and privileged white woman, was making some incredibly offensive statements about the Working Class taking a day off before resuming the fight against the GOP, and the BroHive swarmed on me like a field of statice."
by the modhatter January 25, 2022
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