Break Room

Systematic oppression via a military compound campus which does not allow anything outside the location and or campus's policy to be permitted under the social cognition "program". It also removes elements of society that the location determines to be a violation of set policies in which the subjects are put in white rooms where they are reprogrammed.
Better be sure to not end up in the Break Room or that's the last thing you'll do!

Did you hear the screams that came from the Break Room last week?
by 575462375632579832569782 September 27, 2022
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break room

A room in the office of a company that contains a refrigerator, microwave, keurig machine, and sink. The food it contains includes various sandwich meats, breads, cheeses, soups, health food bars, cereals, and pre-prepared foods brought by other companies for staff to share.
Man, I'm sure glad we have this break room and not same lame-ass cafeteria or kitchen.

Can you believe Matt called this a kitchen? It doesn't even have a stove . What an idiot.

I heard Rob called this break room a cafeteria, but it doesn't even look close to a Furr's. What an idiot.
by Smartolddudefromthewordnaming September 9, 2015
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Break Room Square Dance

The synchronous movement used by 3 or more co-workers in a tightly-spaced break room.

The ballet begins by each worker being stationed at one of the following:

Water cooler, coffee maker, cup station, refrigerator, snack machine, soda machine, silverware drawer, sink.

Each participant moves in unison from station to station as necessary, so as not to get in another co-worker's way.

Dance movements range from simple backwards and fowards steps, to more creative moves such as the "Matrix Backbend" to retrieve a coffee stirrer and the "Pull, Smell, Squint and Toss" manuevre when dealing with refrigerator leftovers.

Co-workers stuck in a Boss Sandwich are generally the leaders of this activity.
By the time it was over, the Break Room Square Dance had consumed both pots of coffee, taken all of the sporks and somehow left a slew of Avon pamphlets in its wake....
by LuckyPucker February 13, 2009
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to leave an area or place while referring to the place as the "break room"
We were all at the mall, when he said "Hey guys, wanna get the fuck out of the break room?"
by Lemonius October 18, 2010
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