See also bougie. No, it does not mean wealthy upper class. It is derived from bourgeois. It means "middle class" who aspire to be upper class by their conspicuous display of materialism done solely as to please and fool the nobodies.
by Ewoksinn June 10, 2018
Fancy. Derived from French word, bourgeoisie, which means middle class. They were never content on being the middle class and strived for the best...the upper FANCY class.
Therefore...Boojie = fancy or wannabe fancy. (Depends on what or who it is aimed at).
Therefore...Boojie = fancy or wannabe fancy. (Depends on what or who it is aimed at).
Ex:* Sees a girl with knee-high fur leather boots*
"Dang girl, you boojie!"
Ex: Dude #1: "I CANNOT eat chicken wings with my fingers."
Dude #2: " Well look at you Mr.Boojie!"
"Dang girl, you boojie!"
Ex: Dude #1: "I CANNOT eat chicken wings with my fingers."
Dude #2: " Well look at you Mr.Boojie!"
by Naughtynati April 22, 2011
Boojie (or Boojee): Designer clothes with stains, sushi from the gas station, anything gold "plated" instead of actually being gold, nice cars ruined by having spinner rims, boob job scars, gifting cheap wine, cubic zirconia engagement rings, Russell Stover chocolates, imitation crab, and people who won the lottery and suddenly think they have class even though they will be broke within a year. Also hookers and strippers who think they are classy because they make money and get attention when they're young and naked but nobody will care when they're old and they should really go to college instead of buying Prada and BMWs.
by lilylalala January 30, 2015
1) (adj) Behavior categorized as triflin' or otherwise, ignorant
2) (verb) To skeem or act like a douche
3) (adj) a. A fellatious woman, or one who considers jizz a part of their diet. b. Anyone who is in anyway involved with analingus
2) (verb) To skeem or act like a douche
3) (adj) a. A fellatious woman, or one who considers jizz a part of their diet. b. Anyone who is in anyway involved with analingus
1) Dude that chick over there is boojie as shit, I saw her walk out of one bedroom, directly into another smh...
2) Stop packin' tiny bowls you boojie ass motherfucker.
3) -Yoooo did your hear what Jane did this weekend?
-Yeah man, I heard she mopped off Carl AND DeeShaun, her boyfriends a bitch
- True. She is one boojie ass hoe....
2) Stop packin' tiny bowls you boojie ass motherfucker.
3) -Yoooo did your hear what Jane did this weekend?
-Yeah man, I heard she mopped off Carl AND DeeShaun, her boyfriends a bitch
- True. She is one boojie ass hoe....
by C Mueda April 7, 2011
A Person who can turn nothing in to something, sometimes even bad things into things that are good/better than before. Usually street smart. Calling someone a Boojie is sometimes a form of respect, but moreover seen as disrespect.
Guy 1: Hey, I found a place where we can get a Power Converter.
Guy 2: Really?
Guy 1: Yeah...Real cheap too!
Guy 2: You're such a Boojie!
Guy 1: Don't need to tell me what I know, child!
Guy 2: Really?
Guy 1: Yeah...Real cheap too!
Guy 2: You're such a Boojie!
Guy 1: Don't need to tell me what I know, child!
by Dragunii Boojie October 28, 2007
An eccentric poor white guy who makes videos; all of his videos are made for the enjoyment of the viewer(s), and never for himself. He usually does comedy sketches and parodies, and those two genres alone give him unlimited subjects.
Guy: Whoa, check out this stupid video by some Boojie on YouTube!
Girl: What's his screen-name?
Guy: Draguinii
Girl: What's his screen-name?
Guy: Draguinii
by Draguinii July 16, 2007
From the French term Bourgeois, which means middle class, assuming everyone else is from the lower class. Materialistic.
My sister's new boyfriend thinks she's booji just because she lives in Marin County, but she's keepin' it real tho!
by marincityhoochie September 29, 2004