Bethzayda is the most beautiful girl you'll ever meet, she's the one girl that always makes you smile no matter what, if you ever meet a bethzayda, treat her like a queen don't cheat on her always hug her from behind that's one of the things she loves. (Bethzayda is a combination of Beth and Zayda which are two other beautiful names.)
Love a Bethzayda
by Zaydaaa August 14, 2018
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Bethzayda is a beautiful girl that is shy at first but when you really get to meet her she never stops talking. Bethzayda is very sensitive girl for everything and anything but she never shows it, she always hide her feelings yet she always has a smile on her face, if you ever meet a bethzayda don’t lose her .
boy #1- “who is that”
boy#2- “oh that?, that is bethzayda”
boy #1- *surprised face*
by mariaaaaa September 7, 2019
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