Drinking oneself to human sundial status.
We knew once he started drinking, he'd been benningized.
by KimnJeff July 31, 2016
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When someone stutters in their sentence, the other would say “inna benninging”, referring to your lack of articulation.
You: I was going out to the storf to by milk.
Friend: lmao “inna Benninging
by Jubli4n October 15, 2021
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Beginning, but pronounced by a 25 iq human who can't read.
Another option is to use the word when some one is trying to say something but fails multiple times to let them know they sound stupid
1."so I was in that resta-.. restaron-..."
2."Brian please read the second paragraph for the class"
"In the dawn of time, in the benninging... Beninging....beni... Yeah! In de benninging"
by Duli dude May 3, 2022
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