In Latin means "The Blessed" . A 'Benita' is a person that is one of a kind with a heart of gold. An introverted extrovert who believes that"all is well". A prefectionist who is always there for everyone. A strong , calm and collected person . Someone who always smile no matter what the problem is. Motto'' I don't give all for a practical joke , so don't fuck with my pep ". Pain killer , has a high standard of living . Can definitely detect a liar and reads one's emotion. 10% annoying, very smart, an angel, a know it all. They eat glitters for breakfast. Beautiful in everything, some with a lucid vision. This type of person can't be predicted , they are hilarious, loves music and dreams big.
by Bennerd February 10, 2020
An awesome girl of epic proportions. Every guy would be lucky to have one of these as a girlfriend as she's extremely friendly, loves making new friends and puts others before herself. She has amazing potential and just needs to unlock it through doing what she loves. She is adorable, cute, beautiful, gorgeous, hawt and sexy at the same time. Once you grab hold of one of these it is wise to not let go as it is extremely hard to get her back unless she deems you worthy. Literally amazing person.
by CarmenLacyOakUmiDelsin October 7, 2011
She's the prettiest girl you'll ever see. She ist cute and nice. Her body ist sexy as fuck. She deserves the sexiest, handsomest, kindest an funniest man in the world
by Lovelifelaugh January 22, 2017
In Latin means "The Blessed". Super Hot Mexican Philipina girl whom everyone fantasizes about, But her Salsa is just to hot for you she prefers cuban sausage. Very sweet, outgoing, loves to laugh. But dont make her eyebrow frown the wrong way. That sweet face could easily turn to a Crazy Lady from deep below the depths of all hell. She so strong that she can put ancient martial arts moves on you and make you crap your pants!!! So beware and be nice...
by jaxcity33 February 5, 2010
Benita is one of the bossiest girls you ever meet she is nice but sometimes she will get in your way if you’re new she’ll pull you around but she would love to be your friend
by Queen rayy March 10, 2018
A 'Benita' is a person that is one-of-a-kind. A 'Benita' is extremely tall, extremely Italian, and EXTREMELY ashby. A 'Benita' is one of those kinds of people that everyone loves, because it is extremely hard to hate this kind of person. This type of person has a knack for making others laugh, loves music, and dreams big. It would be a shame for people to not know and love a 'Benita'.
by The Nun That Swears A Lot June 8, 2011
A bull who really enjoys charging sometimes and is completely hilarious. Benita is also the top sav is not only brampton or bolton but all of Canada. Prefers to go by the names Benny or Ben. When hanging out with benita beware of her and Dan vs Nature or as she calls it... the ass book.
by gmbenks May 27, 2018