A small town right smack dab between Calgary and Medicine Hat, Alberta. You probably know it as that Esso that makes a great pit stop. Favourite pastimes include jumping off one of the bridges into the canal (make sure to avoid the gross grape things), partying at the little dam... or anywhere else that sounds fun, and walking AROUND as in the PERIMETER of the town. Dress code at school, public functions, and really anything... jeans, t-shirt, hoodie, and cap.
"Where are you from?"


*thoughtful pause* "Umm....sure. So what do you do for fun?"

"Jump into a nasty canal, party, and do laps."
by Bassanovian February 3, 2010
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A shit-hole small town filled with underage alcoholics and smelly gouncils. Points of interest are the Little Dam which has contributed to many teenage pregnancies and burning STDs.
Tim: Where are you from?
Bob: Im from Bassano
Tim: Whats that?
Bob: Don't worry about it.....
by Aldrian B January 22, 2009
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She is the mum of the group. She is really fun to bully and she says kinda funny things sometimes, which Theo Bailey can say louder and make people laugh.She is a babe and hrr dad is a DILF
God i love Sophie Bassano
by Ily bby xx April 9, 2020
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