Short for butter and garlic, especially when prepping dishes like seafood.
by smartsaucey January 18, 2019
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Used as an abbreviation of butter and garlic, barf and garlic, or simply for anything that doesn’t have a readily apparent name.
“Please pass the barlic,” to ask for garlic-butter spread for one’s bread; “Your breath smells like barlic,” (now fetch your mate a toothbrush); or simply “You are a barlic!” when all other words fail.
by kmanjamz August 26, 2020
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A strange portmanteau of ‘Garlic Bread’ and the singer/ songwriter from the 90’s boyband Take That: Gary Barlow
Have you hear that Paddington new song? It’s written and sung by Gaz Barlic bread
by Momogoslow September 1, 2023
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