noun: 1. A guy who wacks off so much, it's like his hands are strumming a banjo.
2. an insult directed at a person who excessively masturbates.
adjective: a word to describe someone who wacks off a lot.
Dude, Joe's been spankin' so much, now he's got the banjo hands.

(look there's Joe)
Hey, what's up Banjo Hands!
by been 'jammin July 8, 2005
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Someone who makes pictures in MSPaint of people and then wacks off constantly.
"Hey look its banjo hands Joe the MSPainting wacker off zorcher"
by Joe Wisniewski December 4, 2005
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Leroy whooped out his left-handed banjo and scared off all the bitches.
by MamaCA December 15, 2006
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