Bamdad is the best person every body can know in their entire life.

Bamdad is a handsome, fitness, athlete person who is genius. A Bamdad mostly does math or programming related stuff and he’s good at it.

Bamdad’s are mostly single and they die single. So don’t bother them.
Ow my god is that dude a genius?
Yes man, he’s a Bamdad
by Just a Bamdad August 16, 2018
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A person who give her body to others for free to have fun with her big bottom
Ohh look at that bamdad he wanna give us a lot of fun today too
by Bamdad August 21, 2018
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Big, bearded teddy bear with colorfull taste in music and style. He do be our Holiness in the Hip Hop scene when swagging off his dance moves and dropping bars.

A Bamdad is not only travelling through the Marvel universe but also the magical wonders of our world.
He is the one friend patiently waiting for you while you are tying your shoes.

What can you expect of a Bamdad in 10 years?: To be famous on TikTok

Crossword Clue: Schwanzlurch mit 6 Buchstaben: Bamdad
by leöööh May 14, 2022
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