A male ballet dancer. (A ballerina with a weiner).
1) Dude, how can I score with some slutty hotties too?

2) Do what I did and start dancing.

1) Become a balleweiner, no way dude, I'm not wearing those tights!

2) Sounds like more chicken choking for you biatch!
by Carbon the Cat October 5, 2009
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The masculine counterpart to a ballerina. A male that practices ballet is referred to as a balleweiner. It is much easier to differentiate a male ballet dancer and a female ballet dancer if you use Ballewiener instead of the traditional male gender specific ballrino.
That balleweiner jumps higher and runs faster than all the ballerinas, which is to be expected, because he's male and none is the ballerinos came to class today. |
by Balleweiner May 9, 2018
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