The best starcraft player in the world.

Won GOM-TV's intel classic 2008.

He is of Korean descent (obviously)

Only person that can successfully play an Iccup map with only 8 pylons.
Dude I never thought i'd say this but Bisu is so good at starcraft i've been having gay thoughts about him.
by Hasjustbeenpwned March 3, 2009
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Fart. The Comanche word for "flatulence," used as slang in Oklahoma, especially among Native Americans. It's pronounced "bee-soo."
Did somebody bisu in here?
by Avram Fawcett June 3, 2006
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BISU stands for the Beijing International Studies University. It is a famous university in Beijing, China. It is the third best foreign language university in China. BISU is famous for its Japanese language study and Tourism Management.
Li is a student of BISU. After graduation, he went to work in Sony.
by frank2300 October 5, 2011
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A place, where the government kids are spawned. They’re divided into groups of rich losers and cool kids, who r actually loud shits. Students keep themselves busy selling nft’s, w33d, and trading money. School is located in the most expensive area, where u can find a sugar daddy/mommy with a porsche, rolls royce or a g-wagon. That shit costs $28 grand. sucks.
r u from the BISU school, which is an actual business center building, where rich children can’t even do simple math?
by patrick3253 July 3, 2022
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