A phenomenon where a historical (or otherwise original) figure gets overshadowed by its version from modern culture. Named after Astolfo, who is originally a character from a French legend, but most people nowadays know him from the Fate anime franchise as the guy who looks like a girl, also referred to as trap or femboy.
Most prominent if you try to look their images up. There are even more famous examples, such as the infamous dictator Nero Claudius.
A: I tried to search for some pictures of this guy for my school presentation but all I could find was this anime girl for some reason.
B: Yeah, that's the Astolfo effect for you.
by chrisprattjudah January 1, 2022
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A phenomenon where a fictional femboy makes straight males fall in love with him.
My inner homosexuality awakening is the result of the astolfo effect.
by EggGod July 2, 2022
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