Arichanan is a nice person and he's so nice you want to be his friend so bad
Arichanans so cool
by Uwase November 29, 2021
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Arichanan is someone who can be really funny and keeps things interesting but he can be very annoying and can get people really mad sometimes.
Wow look Arichanan he's so funny
by Uwase November 29, 2021
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He is a very nice guy he will help you out when you need him. He is a very loyal friend an can be quite annoying at times and act like a little kid. He is very relatable and you can talk to him about anything. He is a person you wouldn't want to lose. he is always full of a lot of energy and starts very good conversations you can never have a dry conversation with them He can also be very funny at times
Bob- Have you met Arichanan he is so funny

Mia- Arichanan acts like a little kid
by Uwase January 22, 2022
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