Simply put, Anime maniacs.

White boys and girls who are in love with anime because they truly believe in flying robots with guns, Ninja Techniques, dragonballs, demon shards, and fruit baskets are at a high risk of being an animeniac. Usually the same people that have Japanophilia.
Animeniacs dress up as Akatsuki and Saiyans and Demon Hunters and Vampires and Gundams and Pirates and Deathgods, to attend national anime conventions, held for all animeniacs.

Animeniacs have a problem that is commonly known as animenia, a condition comparable to Tourettes, with the "Tics" of Animeniacs to be shouting catch phrases from various animes in japanese.

"O-ba Kyuu Chi!"
"Gomu Gomu no!"

by FlappingChocoboModel July 16, 2008
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A YouTuber who posts a lot of cool amvs but is underated and has few subscribers
Go subscribe to animeniac he also posts mxr plays aesthetics
by Josuke uchiha June 21, 2020
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