Angry Joseph is a archetype used to define define people who “know no bounds”. This means the brag a lot, get chosen for English workshops and is ALWAYS the “special child”. He also prides himself of things such as his perception and intelligence on this like his always A grade essays.
“Yo I’m warning you while I’m calm though. You have never dealt with mad Jospeh before and he knows no bounds It’s gonna end badly.” -Angry Joseph
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Angry Joseph is a archetype used to define define people who “know no bounds”. This means the brag a lot, get chosen for English workshops and is ALWAYS the “special child”. He also prides himself of things such as his perception and intelligence on this like his always A grade essays.
“Yo I’m warning you while I’m calm though. You have never dealt with angry Joseph before and he knows no bounds it’s gonna end badly.”-angry Joseph who knows no bounds
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