A little pissbaby who has a greek name that is not only spelled incorrectly but rarely used. As a greek, nobody is named Addonnous or Adonis anymore. He is a fatherless little bitchboy who is not only going to get syphilis from being a manwhore, but he is also going to kill himself from all of the terrible foods he eats. He tells BPD women that he can handle them and then makes them fucking hurt as bad as they can by, raping them, lying to them, abandoning them, and overall making them feel worthless. If you're special to him, you're not that special. His lock screen has been five different girls in the past year. You're only special until you make mistakes you warned him about. He doesn't care about anyone else and he's an insensitive asshole who is into inbreds sexually.
Addonnous is a fucking loser
by Egghead Theorist November 4, 2022
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addonnous is a friend of mine, addonnous is Elliott's boyfriend I ship them, and I am very involved in their relation ship, addonnous is a giant, addonnous can melt, addonnous is scared of green fingers. addonnous is kind and caring especially to Elliott, addonnous is popular apparently
Hey did you hear about that guy named addonnous he has a girlfriend now
by zixsly March 25, 2022
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