2 Basic sizes of a battery or meme.
Battery sizes have only 3 basic ones: AA AAA AAAA
A: What is this battery size?
Battery seller: AA
A: This?
Battery seller: AAA
A: and this?
A: hello?
B: What the hell is happening here?
by nopeakaphamminhteky1 May 30, 2024
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A slang term without the h which express shouting, screaming, yelling , or either screeching in horror, excitement, or surprised.
Person 1: Ey want a coffee?
Person 2: no
Person 1: Um ok? Want the milk? Totally not cum
Person 2: AAAA
by MrPenguintheStupid May 5, 2022
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by HerrshOFate August 11, 2022
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Logan goes aaaa when he stubs his tow
by Sam—kids October 4, 2022
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