#LLT means Long Live Techno, It can be used for other names though
1: hey did you hear technoblade died?
2: aw man #LLT
by Fossos July 1, 2022
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A little Greek boy that owns a goat and takes him for daily walks🧠 and it has tiny feet too!! And if you though having tiny feet wasn’t already weird it also has tiny hands!!!🤯but we love LLT despite all its quirks 😘😘
“Omg Jerry, do you see that little Greek boy with the tiny hands and feet walking it’s goat around the block” -Ben

“Omg Ben, that’s a LLT” -Jerry
by Lillianwalksgoats August 21, 2019
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technoblade (or, as most of the fans, techno) was a minecraft youtuber that unfortunately was late. his cause of death was cancer.
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