A movement African Americans use to show that we matter too. It doesn't mean that we don't care about other races lives, It just means our life should matter too.
We're tired of being oppressed and killed by the police. #blacklivesmatter or all lives matter is desensitizing to the #blacklivesmatter movement because more blacks are likely to get killed in police brutality.
by Ladylikefood July 11, 2016
They do matter. I'm not saying police are ALL bad, but I'm saying that police need to CHILL. You killed George Floyd for god's sake. He DESERVED TO LIVE.
Hey man, I just used the #blacklivesmatter in a Tiktok! You should help me make it viral, so people JOIN THE MOVEMENT!
by qwertysucks May 31, 2020
- A hashtag created in order to support the black right’s moment.
- The Blacklivesmatter movement cannot be associated with the #AlllivesMatter movement as we are all aware that All lives matter, however, Black lives are the one most at risk right now.
- The Blacklivesmatter movement cannot be associated with the #AlllivesMatter movement as we are all aware that All lives matter, however, Black lives are the one most at risk right now.
Hey man, I recently added a post on the blacklivesmatter hashtag movement on Instagram, can you like it?
For sure man: #Blacklivesmatter
For sure man: #Blacklivesmatter
by Didi2045 June 2, 2020