Phrase- When a hard weekend or 3 day weekend of various hard drugs like ecstasy or meth has the afterglow wear off and you're left with a weird panicky sober low feeling.

One may act weird or just want to isolate themselves. It is usually the beginning of introspection from the weekend's activities. Ordinary things may seem slightly different.

Origin: unknown. Popular with 90s and 00 college age kids.
I have the Tuesday weirds from rolling and doing Xanax all weekend. I gotta find a way to leave work, before I freak out.
by Synaptic Plasticity August 21, 2018
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Dusty Tuesday is taken place on the first Tuesday of every month, participates wear their most dirty sweat pants and shirt that they just can't give up but no one can judge beacuse it's dusty Tuesday
David is wearing his mustard stained sweater but who cares it's comfy and it's dusty Tuesday
by Em Madrid March 7, 2017
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Gotta grab/smack ass day so girls don’t get mad when you get ya ass smacked or grabbed
by K.O.S_Naz May 25, 2021
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To have relations in ones car on a Tuesday
Can't hang out tonight lads its Dogging Tuesday, the missus is warming up the car.
by Owen Joness September 15, 2021
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Salty Tuesdays is the day you can be salty and sassy however you want
"Its Salty Tuesdays dood relax~"
by SaltyShima July 21, 2020
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A phrase used to describe a long period of time; a long wait
Marky: Hey man, is that Pizza done yet?
Josh "The O": Nah man, you know that shit takes tuesdays.
by TheBlackDonKing May 22, 2009
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