Noun. Used as a synonym to the word somebody, anybody, or person/people.
Can also be shortened to "Veet"
"Who were you on the phone with?"
"It was Jon Veet."
by darthveeder October 23, 2014
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An American who's white ass ain't afraid of the beasts or the out world of unreality. Straight up descendant of the outlaws of the old west. Hard to look at without crying.
That guy looks like he could peel an apple with his eyes. Looks like Mojave Jon.
by Mo-Danglin April 8, 2014
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When one is so retarded that they fuck themselves in the mirror
Jon Hood is a Alabama Jon.
by GArycoleman870 January 30, 2018
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The time in a persons life when he/she likes a boy named Jon
Chris: "What's up with Carly and Jon?"

Ryan: "Carly is just in her Jon phase..."
by Antitorpiliko June 5, 2012
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