Young urban thugs with low prospects in life because of low education, self-esteem, self-respect, contempt for society, lack of parental discipline and the influences of American racism and disenfranchisement and who then engages in law bending activities, criminal and risky behavior.

Like their Sicilian-laborer immigrant counterparts from the earlier half of the 20th century, they share similar backgrounds. Both early 20th-century Sicilian thugs and contemporary urban American thugs come from poverty, low or no education, contempt for successful others and disenfranchisement from more influential families, belief in superstitions, and a belief to escape their position in society is to take it forcefully from the success of others. They often feel the success of others can be attributed to negating them the same opportunities to be successful and not from their own actions. They accomplish their drain on society through intimidation, cohesion, and murder. They display their new found financial social status through flamboyant displays of wealth obtained through illegal activities until a bigger thug comes in and forcefully replaces the previous one violently.

But unlike their Italian counterparts, they lack the rigid organizational structure and influence that has been used successfully with business and government. They have little to no leverage against the larger state and federal government.
I'd love to be a gangsta, but I dun't no nuthin bout politics, all i nos is how to scare chumps wit my gun."
by Keeping it real bruh January 19, 2017
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When food tastes good or something you are doing is fun.
Oiii that mash is gangsta !
by Lucy robo September 27, 2017
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uneducated people who think that they are hard and tough and if you fuck with them they're going to pop a cap in your ass one of the many different things that indicates that you're talking to a gangster is (1) they speak in broken English that you can barely even tell the difference between game and gang (2) if they wear baggy clothes and a backwards ball cap and an example of how they sound like is yo holme's bouda pop a cap in sum nigga's ass mofocker owe me money* precedes to pull out a gun and empty out an entire magazine of bullets from 3 feet away and kills a bunch of preschoolers in the process* yo nigga dat gangsta as fuk man in the real gangsters of the 1920s and 30s were people who had organized crimes to make money and wore some nice suits and could probably sneak a gun past anybody and could shoot a child without feeling emotion and they were kind and weren't going to go up to you and say something like yo nig about to pop a cap in your ass mother fucker
Look at that stupid gangsta wannabe

Yo that was gangsta as fuck
by Inkyboyo November 2, 2018
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used in nyc slang as a filler word
nah gangsta”
by krissybandss November 2, 2023
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A Gangsta is a "cool" spelling of the word Gangster and have no difference in meaning. Unless you count the other Urban Dictionary entries which claim a Gangsta isn't a gangster and say they can't do anything by themselves which is largely false. They are constantly doing crimes on their own. Those that call the Gangstas fake are white. Obviously, and have never done much study on the inner city street gangs. Which are indeed gangs, despite what you white supremacist spics have to say. They also call them pussies? How are you a pussy if you're committing murder? Yeah. No. Stop it, whites.
Man on street: I hope that guy I bought the blow from doesn't find me
Gangsta: Yo you gotta hand me dat cash homie I ain't playin Aight?
Man on street: I don't have it man but-
News Reporter: A man was found dead yesterday in a matter likely related to gang violence. The gun shots were heard at about 12:30 AM last night at King Street. There are no known culprits at the moment but stay tuned for further news about this incident.
by UrbanDefinition234 April 12, 2016
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