It's a big jerk that always tries to be the best. He likes to be funny but he is not. He likes flirting with girls. Always populair and always has girls around, probably had sex with people when he was only 13. He likes pussy and tries anything to get it also dick. He could put more then 3 dicks in his mouth it doesn't matter. He loves hurting peoples feelings and fisting in someones pussy or butthole. Likking biting anything.
_Hey isn't that the emo chick that has painted her hair OR

_ Hey you little hoe,

_Me_ I'm not a hoe
_Roger_Chill calm your litlle butt down_
by YourBestFriendJacky:) November 30, 2021
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A dude who likes spending a shit ton of money on video games.
Also someone who likes being stepped on by fictional mommies to the point others want to be like him
Friend: So I bought all the crystal bundles with bonus, even the $100 one, the $2, $5, $15, and $30
Me: ...... So you pulled a Roger.......
Friend: Yes
Me: To pull Hutao and Ganyu.....
Friend: .....Yes
Me: *face palms*
Friend: I regret nothing :D
by Jay024 December 14, 2021
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Somebody who enjoys Science-Fiction Movies, and Bollywood Films.

Not a big Fan of Political Discussions and Enjoys Tropical Weather.

Summers are FUN for Roger!!
Roger Enjoyed his summer of Movies in California.
by Deep-Sandhu December 13, 2021
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Roger Rabbit = habbit
Watch how much of that stuff you’re smoking or you’ll end up with a roger
by Terry Tits November 3, 2022
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Standard radio phraseology for "I have received your transmission and have understood." Primarily used in aviation by air traffic control.
Pilot: "Toronto Delivery, requesting VFR to Vancouver international"
Air Traffic Control: "Foxtrot Kilo Lima , Toronto Delivery, Weather below VFR Minima, only IFR is permitted, name your intentions?"
Pilot: "Will return to apron five and file IFR flight plan. Foxtrot Kilo Lima"
Air Traffic Control: "Foxtrot Kilo Lima, roger. Contact Toronto Ground decimal niner for taxi."
by the_creeper2007 February 14, 2021
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Roger is a member of historical / reenactment group who does not wear correct historical equpiment. These individuals often lack knowledge but reject every advice given to them.
"Hey man! Look at that Roger. He is wearing pyjamas under his surcoat!"
"Oh man this is so bad!"

"I hope I won't get into fight with that Roger over there."
"Lol. Are you afraid?"
"Me? No. But look at his armor. I can seriously injure him."
by WillyThePig April 13, 2020
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