A person who thinks they are good at an stunt sport (Skateboarding, Bmx, ect.)
but really suck, and can only do half tricks.
Wow dude, fred is a total Half Rider. He totally sucks.
by half biker May 31, 2014
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Some person that considers themselves a biker but only rides when it's not raining , below 70 degrees , and most likely has a me too bike.
Jim: hey did you hear that Johnny got a motorcycle.
Brock: yeah but he's a weather rider
by Little_johnny June 25, 2022
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A no life nerd with a gamertag by the name of Machete who plays rocket league all day and doesn't wear socks around the homies in the bed. He also believes there are more than 2 genders. Also hasn't touched a women. Definitely makes love to "trans" people.
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An OG Rider is when an "Original Gangster" breaks into your house, ties you up, and gets your bitch to ride his cock all night long. His signature way of saying he is done is by writing the letters "O" and "G" on your wall with his massive cum load.
"Oh-Gee-Ry-Der" Oh no babe who is breaking into our house... That's OG Rider oh no.
by OG as fuck January 3, 2016
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“Wow! That speech was impromptu?”
“Yeah, he’s a real fly rider
by DraySenpai November 24, 2021
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When a woman puts hot sauce on your dick and rides it till it's raw.
Dude, me and that girl at the party did the Mexican Rough rider in the bathroom I still can't feel my crotch.
by rarooklol May 19, 2016
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