Working every angle; pumping away at a task
"We'll be juicing the boards at 7AM to get a vaccination appointment for you!"
by Evolvoed March 15, 2021
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Weather Boarding(verb)

A form of social torture by showing your friends in the Midwest or on the East Coast pictures of sunny Southern California while they are stuck inside during yet another snowstorm.
I spent most of the morning at work "Weather Boarding" the guys in the Chicago office.


Cheri was sorry she choose a school back East, having been
"Weather Boarded" by her friends at UCLA.
by xemo February 5, 2011
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Formally known as a 'Reverse Gangbang', the 'Cuchie Board' is when many cuchies share one cock
"Did you hear how lucky Jason was? He had a vast array on his Cuchie Board last night!"
by Fier_Renard September 10, 2023
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Getting the crap between out of you by a smaller person.
yo check it out a midget is tail boarding linear
by colbyzach September 27, 2021
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A real word that shows the true colours of a person.

Fr tho what the fuck
Person 1- “Hey man how much was the mommy-board?- I mean Motherboard motherboard
Person 2-“What?”
Person 1-“What?”
by Kakaowo November 24, 2021
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