Something that will often be said by 45 year old dads whom usually don't remember where things are. It doesn't matter what the last word is, but flashlight is a common one for them to say.
Dad: Honey, where's the flashlight?
Mom: It's on top of the fridge.

-3 days later

Dad: Honey, where's the flashlight?
Mom: It's on top of the fridge! Didn't you ask me that just a few days ago!?
Dad: Oh. Sorry babe.

Dad: Honey where's the flashlight
Mom: God dammit! I can't believe I lost my virginity to you.
by Retard_Ryan November 2, 2022
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This Disney DVD is enhanced with Disney's fast play! The movie and a selection of bonus features will begin automatically! Fast play will start in a moment.
by Fritezas September 16, 2020
Where’s the party at, where’s shit going down?
Hey bruh, I wanna do something tonight, where’s the dog barking?
by NordicNate February 2, 2019
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Yet it is still unclear what city PcfTay stay in, we have discovered he stays somewhere in Minnesota & is a big travel agent.
Hey Where is PcfTay From?
by UnknownTelemaker August 5, 2023
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It’s usually not known where you get when you chat bare but I have figured out where you get in the ancient scrolls of bare it’s stated in the scrolls that when you chat bare you get sent to a far off land called Brazil where some meditation men come and take you away and slap you with a well done salmon and make you shine there shoes so remember to not chat bare
Chat bare get where?
by I_will_destroy_isreal November 2, 2020
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When you're talking to somebody on your phone and you forget where your phone is. You may even switch ears / hands while patting your pockets looking for your phone.
I can't find my phone oh I just got hit with a wheres my phone conversation. while I was talking to you I thought I lost my phone.
by June 29, 2021
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