A person who is completely worthless, an inanimate object even. Less useful to society than than the chair he sits on. He will swindle his friends for anything including; being greedy about money or ditching you for puss.

Also a word that means shit, which is what they are a piece of.
Dillon- "yeah Justin completely swindled us to smash Jessica"
Jeremy- "yeah, he's bein a real scat lately"
by ImriiickjaamesBtch March 25, 2011
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The act of taking a shit on your partner, most commonly soft, greenish shit
my girlfriend scatted all over, and i liked it
by TheMan December 28, 2004
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To freak someone out, or to be freaked out.
*some guy is walking behind someone else in the street*
"mate, you're scatting me out"
by ajdhsadfe September 9, 2016
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Scat is a name for ur Cat, if you name ur cat Scat he will like it very much and will be pleased
Have you seen my cool cat Scat?
by Merlun June 27, 2020
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Short for 'scattered', Aussie term used to describe the comedown feeling or state of being after a night out on stimulants, usually MD. Due to excessive depletion of dopamine and serotonin, performing basic, simple tasks that involve motor skills, memory or problem solving is next to impossible. You feel so out of touch with everything that your thoughts become 'scattered'.
"Dude, where the fuck are you? What happened last night?"
"I'm so fucking scat bro. I'm in some random cunts house, I don't even know how I got here"
by pseudospeed August 24, 2018
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verb: the action of rapidly leaving or evacuating an area (often done in large groups and may occur in response to a hostile situation or immediate threat).
example A: "boys Jimmy T is coming, hit the fucking scat".

example B: "the circle's closing in fellas, do you wanna start scatting?".
by ya cheeky nan April 2, 2020
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A word used to describe the act of one-upping or disgracing another person with a better act or thing.
Did you like how i scatted on him with that 3 pointer?
by moneyball5 October 6, 2015
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