Wimp-ass bizatch hiding in Iraq from the american troops begging for help from his little shitty army that shits a lot on shits.
Saddam Hussein is a girl.
by Shadow_Lord July 24, 2003
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Related to Dick Hertz(another poster here). Because they both love the killing of innocent people.
by Clintonhater June 5, 2003
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As with the "dirty sanchez", while a male and female have doggy-style sex, the male fingers the female's ass and then wipes it across her upper lip forming the moustache. In the "Dirty Hussein" variation, the male executes the finger wipe and then proceeds to put his arms out to the sides, look up and go "AAAAALALALALALALALALALALALALALALALA"

The date didn't go to well, so I executed a textbook Dirty Hussein to end the evening.
by MTBbee May 30, 2008
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a nickname for President B. Hussein Obama.
Uppity Hussein is right now the president, with his uppity wife Michelle.
by Gentleman Gaga April 24, 2009
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1. A dumbasss dictator whose name is short for Sodomize Hussein.

2. Bush's scapegoat for everything.
1. Damn, I hate that Hussein. Such a dick...

2. "Unemployment is rising, blame Hussein!"
by trnhklbqjgbd April 28, 2004
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