A vaguely female member of the pikey plague. One that is kept in a permanent state of pregnancy by either close family members or random passing strangers.

The milk produced by such a monster is considered highly toxic by all but the hardiest of pikey tykes, being infused with an assortment of hard drugs, and is thought to contribute considerable to the damaged state of the suckling thugs in later life.

At the centre of every pikey plague outbreak, you will find, nestled away in a 11th floor council flat, at least a dozen or more dairy pikeys pushing out their deformed proteges like there's no tomorrow.

A dairy pikey should not be confused with with a common or garden, fat pikey, although careful examination may be required to tell the two apart.
scenarion: Taking the air along brentford high street....

(me): Fuck me, if I'm not sorely mistaken, THAT is a dairy pikey
by Padders December 11, 2003
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The area of a womans body where the nice round firm breast come together; Cleavage
by Steven Collins September 20, 2006
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the act of a breast feeding mother showering her partner with breast milk during intercoarse
as dick and jane were screwing jane sprayed dick with the milk from here tits, this being the dirty dairy
by by the two February 23, 2014
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when you stick your fingers up someones ass (make sure they have pants on or you might be in for a choclate supprise) then swirl it around

its quiet populer in our cecular world today
adam gave noam a really big dairy dog
by Adam T aka teets,titieman August 1, 2006
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Man Dairy = another form for the word semen, cum, or jizz. (a viscid whitish fluid of the male reproductive tract consisting of spermatozoa suspended in secretions of accessory glands)
She seemed like a small town farm girl... so I gave her my Man Dairy
by TheStein1016 September 11, 2009
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a gay person who likes to look at girls boobs because there are either huge or just entertaining.

dairy because milk comes out of a girls boob when they have a baby and fairy because its a gay guy.
in honor of cooper
person 1" what are you looking at?"
person 2" her big boobs"
person 1"but your gay"
person 2" so?"
person 1" your a dairy fairy"
by miss violet October 24, 2006
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Words cannot describe this place, this little slice of life that exists outside of reality. Time stands still here, yet life continues for the rest of the world. For some this is a little piece of heaven, for others it is a soul crushing hell on earth. But for most its a place to earn money and milk cows. Lisa is the life of this place and my world, without her i would have gone crazy and lost my mind. She is awesome. Some become trapped here by the fences and the cows. Some manage to escape and become our heroes.
by countryking December 14, 2009
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