A concept that is practiced and dominant in the liberal media. It protects only the people of "marginal" groups from being offended so bad. The most minor joke about one of these groups can get you labelled a racist, sexist, bigot, etc., thanks to political correctness.
by LibHater August 5, 2003
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oversensitivity about words, and confusion over the use of language. being unable to understand the concept of context. bothe liberals and conservatives are just as guilty: liberals come up with retarded, complicated terms for minorities (calling a person African-American who's never been to Africa and doesn't know the culture), while if you mention the downsides and and hypocrisies of a religion or its followers, conservatives will never cease riding your ass. cons also tend to get sore about four letter words (fuck, shit) that only substitute subtler terms.
I am black, and don't see how that term is offensive.

how is a little four letter word like "fuck" going to hurt anyone?
by M.star November 13, 2004
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A sign of mental illness common among paranoid twits. A guilt complex embraced by liberals to show their shallowness.
Excuse me, person of color! May I touchy-feely your penis puulleezzze?
by Cholo November 28, 2003
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when people can´t take a fucking joke, I mean my god people get triggered so easily
guy one: shit man that post is retarded and autistic

guy two: Oh My God you just offended me
guy one: STFU you political correct bitch can´t you take a joke
by somo one January 8, 2019
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A concept of inoffensive language that has played far more by conservative attempting martyrdom than by liberals attempting to change society. By pointing out they're political incorrectness consevatives can pretend to be witty, edgy or worthy of sympathy.

There have been no state laws made to make saying "politically incorrect" things criminal. There are a number of television shows that try to flaunt the politically correct angle. None of theses have been reprimanded by the FCC.
Even the ranting of insanely radical organizations such as the KKK are still protected by the government.

"Political correctness persecution" is, ironically a politically correct term in itself. It used to be called "the consequences of being an insulting foulmouthed prick, you dumbass".

The only true examples of political correctness overkill are from privately owned entities which have been able to define their behavior codes (i.e. no shoes, no shirt, no service) since forever and student governments which are apeshit and transitory anyhow.
If you act like a jerk people will not like you. This is a fact of life. Don't blame political correctness.
by A ton of pounds November 7, 2004
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a platonic ideal, an abstraction, a form, an eternal immaterial underlying reality. Political correctness is an ideal whose standards are so unrealistic that no one has ever met them and all instances we encounter in this material world of it are but deformed and imperfect copies of that ideal. No novel is politically correct. No play is politically correct. No poem. No film. No song. No speech. No president. No talk show, organization or law is perfectly politically correct. And yet we are still punished for failing to meet its ungodly demands.
Shakespeare, Milton, Plato, Kant, D.H. Lawrence and Homer are but a few names in the hall of shame of political incorrectness. So what chance does an average Joe have of ever demonstrating pure political correctness?
by plato's heir December 18, 2009
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