a day to appreciate all the short people and give them a hug

october 23
hey did you hear about national hug short people day? it's on october 23rd.
by so_uless October 22, 2020
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Formerly known as the American Nazi Party. It was formed in 1959 as the World Union of Free Enterprise National Socialists. By George Norman Rockwell. A man who despised his in laws because they didn't raise their daughter to be compliant and docile.

After Rockwell was murdered David Duke stated "The greatest American who ever lived has been shot down and killed."

William Pierce the far right extremist who formed the national alliance and authored the Turner Diaries and Hunter. Was a former editor of extremist literature published by the order. I mean the National Socialist White People's Party.

The Turner Diaries in particular has been extremely influential in far right circles. The term Day of the rope is taken from that novel. The bombing attack against FBI HQ described in the novel heavily influenced Timothy McVeigh.

In the Turner Diaries the day of the rope refers to all non-whites and their collaborators (liberals/democrats/jews) being dragged out of their homes and hung in the street. If you were wondering why Trump supporters built a make shift gallows and were chanting hang Pence while they stormed the Capitol and violently assaulted Capitol Police officers. Well. Now you know.
National Socialist White People's Party I am not making that up. It's really what it was called.
by Mr Getz March 21, 2021
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June 26 is National deck people you hate the most or don’t like day were you would go and deck them in the head it will only be valid if June 26 is last day of school
Mike: why did you deck maya in the head
Kingston: because it’s National deck people you hate the most or don’t like day
Mike: oh ok
by lil_day_day June 17, 2019
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This day you appreciate all your smart friends on October 23rd
"What's up, oh great wise one?"
"the fuck?"
"It's National Smart People Day!"
by Flarkwad October 15, 2020
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A day to celebrate people over 5’5. Tall people get to make fun of short people and the short friends buy pizza.
I can’t wait for National tall people day!
by Chickenmann September 2, 2021
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