v. Poker slang - To catch the final card of a full house on the river (5th street, final community card) of a Omaha or Texas Hold 'Em hand; To catch a boat (Full House) on the river.

Derived from Huckleberry Finn
I had pocket fives and my opponent had Ace King and the flop came Ace Ace 6 the turn came 7. He had me beat but I hucked it when the 5 came on the river.
by John September 16, 2004
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the action of assigning, or passing on responsibility for a project or task to another unsuspecting person.

Although the origins of the term 'huck' are from the whitewashing the fence scene in Mark Twain's Tom Sawyer, the term 'huck' was notably coined after another one of Mark Twain's famous characters, Huck Finn, just because it sounds better.

Ron to Keith - We are going to need a model to go with this display, but both of us are way to busy to do it.

Keith to Ron - Why don't we just huck that onto Yolanda.

2) Ron just hucked this project on to me.
by KRamsay November 9, 2005
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To sanitize a great literary work to conform with the politically correct language of the day.
I hear they are removing the "N" word from the school versions of Huckleberry Finn. What will they HUCK up next - take all the curse words out of Catcher In The Rye?
by Braised Cod January 6, 2011
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"Breaker 1-9, this is BIG DADDY, I need a radio check, do you copy? Over."
by BIG DADDY February 14, 2005
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"We have a test tomorrow." "Huck?"
by Alysha Viola February 17, 2005
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Huck is a short way of saying huckle - a hunch, a hump, the hip. Huck is anal fucking. Easy to remember - hunch = arse in a good position
The young gay man in his late teens hunched down with his arse raised so that his friend could huck his hospitable high ham hole humiliating him.
by St. Ias - Bought the pump back September 16, 2005
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Huck Jr. is the epitome of a pie wagon. She is a lying, morally bankrupt spawn of a dotard and looks like truck stop restrooms smell.
Just looking at Huck Jr. on TV always brings my lunch up.
by Master of The Factory August 10, 2018
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