A popular song with "wub wub" thrown in at random intervals.
Guy 1: Hey, do you like dubstep?

Guy 2: No, it's basically what that text said up there.

Guy 1: Good point.
by Chowder183 September 1, 2012
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Music that stimulates the gustatory sensation of John Waters' anus and uncut Methamphetamine, in a positive way.
Joe: Hey John, are you listening to Dubstep?
John: What's Dubstep, and does it have anything to do with this taste of hooker cous I can't get out of my mouth?
by idogis1 August 19, 2011
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The practice of translating the sounds of people walking into different languages so that it can be enjoyed by people from a variety of cultural and linguistic backgrounds.

See Also: "Substep" , "Closedcaptioningstep"
In english to DJ translations they have to dubstep "The horse goes clip-clop, clip-clop." to "Dude I think I just killed that horse! Womp womp womp womp!"
by PocketMonkey February 25, 2011
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An awesome kind of bleepy, bloopy, bloppy grinding electro music that sounds like powertools being blared out in a garage with kick-ass bass guaranteed to make your speakers explode.
Awesome person with great taste in music 1: I love Dubstep because i am an awesome person with a great taste in music.
Awesome person with great taste in music 2: I also love Dubstep because i also happen to be an awesome person with a great taste in music.
by le penis head March 15, 2011
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Guy 1: Did you hear the new dubstep song?
Guy 2: Yeah, it's really a gift from The Flying Spaghetti Monster.
by H.C. Andersen March 17, 2011
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A genre of music that sounds best paired with a subwoofer and turned all the way up.

It's as addicting as meth, better than sex, filthier than the floor of a crack house in Mexico, is able to produce the most powerful orgasms you've ever had, and creates monsters out of the most civilized.

It's basically just noise, and it's sound cannot be described without the word 'whomp'.
Rock N' Roll, Scary Monsters and Nice Sprites, & Hey Sexy Lady Remix are all prime examples of some kick ass dubstep, all by Skrillex

Anything by Gary McF, Rusko, or Headhunterz would also Qualify.
by poorlostsouls August 6, 2011
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Music where some fucktards like and other fucktards hate.
Fucktard 1: Dubstep is amazing

Fucktard 2: That shit is fuckiing stupid

Fucktard 3: Womp Womp Womp Womp
by Poopyface223 January 22, 2012
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