Dean is a males name but popular among the transgenders. A 'Dean' is a (gorillafied ) child and so large that you would love to (swordfight) with him and even go (downstairs) . Due to the abuse Dean cops at home dean loves to beat the shit out of any turk such as( Adem). Even though dean can't fight for shit and his stamina is very low dean will still act tough. A dean is usually found in the eastern suburbs of Sydney commonly in Mascot. If you ever unfortunate enough to meet Dean be careful because he will take advantage of you and use you as a child slave and for hard labour because he is too lazy to do anything himself besides (masterbating), gaming & beating the shit out of turks.
It is impoosible to use dean in a sentence
by Ivanthehitman@gmail August 27, 2019
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The best person ever that wears a lot of nike sb and has a skateboarding youtube channel called tsunami skateboarding
Oh look its Dean
by Tsunami skateboarding June 12, 2019
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Loser dude who's only satisfaction in life is lying about the size of his penis and looking up fake definitions of Dean on the Urban Dictionary.
Look at Dean, getting validation from the internet and popping male enhancement pills.
by The most qualified expert July 30, 2019
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A Dean is a person that seems nice at first, but don't get your hopes up! They will abandon you and completely give up on you if you try to make things better. After you finely get over them, they will try to make you jealous! Its easy to fall for them but remember this as a warning. They aren't as kind or fun as you think.
That was mean, he must be a Dean!
That dude has a tiny dick, he must be a dean.
by Tegan Guy April 3, 2018
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Everything about Dean makes u think he is suck up. Deans favourite thing to do is to tell you how tiredd he is from studying for a test that isnt for another six weeks. Dean enjoys looking over at his friends work to copy someone else answers who is smarter then him.Everyday at 3:30pm Dean will complain about how tried he is and/ or how much homework he has and how hungry he is. He is also shit at basketball and butthurt his bothers got all the drip
"Dean u grinder"
by Dean is gey February 28, 2020
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One of the hottest guys in the world, usually have big dicks.
That guy, Dean is so nice.
by Hooolllllaaaaaaa1234 May 14, 2017
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Dean is a ladies man who is always looking for a good time and loves an ice cold natty light. He’s a sweet talker and a powerhouse in bed. If you’ve never had a Dean in your life then you’re really missing out!
Wow that guy is a powerhouse! His name must be Dean!
by silloh January 9, 2018
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