Alexis is a beautiful girl who is insecure about her body but actually she is very pretty she can help u with your problems cause she's been through a lot in her life u will fall in love with her no matter what. She is very loving and likes to be loved by her bae and always wants to cuddel and more she is a great girlfriend and a great friend keep her cause she is amazing
Omg dude look at alexis she is so fucking cute
by Katerine is life April 24, 2017
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A girl whose inner beauty is only exceeded by humbleness towards her outer beauty. She's also down to earth, doesn't get jealous of celebrities, and'll make your day. She sings and plays musical instruments as well as writes songs. She's a diamond in a haystack.
"Hey bro I heard you looking for a new girl, I wanna introduce you to one"
"Only if she's an Alexis"
by Iklipse February 28, 2010
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An amazing person that can grow up to be anything. At times he can be a nerd but he's still your best friend. You may have arguments but all you can do is hope you become friends again. But he is a good minded soul and has a beautiful personality and is a great person to hang out with.
Lily : Alexis I'm sorry
Alexis : I care a really do ...we can get through this.
Lily : ...ok
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Alexis has a lot of inner beauty that covers her outer look. She can make you smile and is very smart. Alexis can be a bitch with her nasty mood swings, one second she is nice and the next she is all hateful. Doesn't make the best of friends but a sweet person to be around. Alexis tends to hide her true feelings when she feels inferior or unhappy. Can be emocional even when you don't see it. Is obsessed with THAT GUY (</3) She can keep it that way forever until she gets what she wants. She has potential and a body even if she doesn't see it.
Guy1: That girl seems like a bitch
Guy2: Nah, it's just an Alexis
Guy1: O that makes sense
by Deepdramamama March 6, 2014
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Alexis is the best! She is so nice, and beautiful. She is sexy, and makes all the boys drool. Everyone loves her, she is near-perfect! You're lucky if you know an Alexis.
dang, look it's alexis! Everyone loves her!
by probably everyone October 25, 2016
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A amazing girl with an amazing smile. Anyone can get lost in her eyes just by glancing at them. She is short but perfect, anybody could wish to be her, or talk to her.
"Alexis is so perfect, I could only wish to be her"
by Jfudhehwidhrhjer November 24, 2017
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cool girl that like lots of skittles in her ear
dang alexis last night was fine
by Dangboi444 October 16, 2018
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