1: A type of road that you go on. Depends what state you live in. All states have the route. Well, maybe not all states.
2: Another way of saying "Heil Hitler" but disguising it as a road for the purposes of showing their fanaticism publicly without people knowing it, especially for closet nazis.
Nazi: Route 88: the best way to go!!!

Normal person: What's so great about a road?

Nazi: What's so great? It's the route of life! The right one!

Normal person: Okay...

Nazi: Yeah... route 88... 88...

Me: Hmm... I smell some bullshit going on.
by juggernaut555 October 4, 2013
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Internet rule of if it exists there's vore of it.
Person 1: Disgusting what is this
Person 2: That's rule 88
Person 1: huh what's that
Person 2: If it exists there's vore of it
by mitsubasousuke October 26, 2020
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Fuck you josh, Alan, Blake, Haden
Eat ass buck foys use a wet 88
by Lonely winner November 28, 2019
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A clan tag used during Call of Duty 4, 5, or 6. Normally used by Lax Bro's, 88 represents the 8th letters of the alphabet which is H, double 88 represents Heil Hitler
88'sLaxorFL: yooo, im soo good at COD i might as well be 10th prestige....
....NSUXxX: Dude you suck, all you do is Noob Toob and Camp, besides, lax bros can't play cod
by COD expert December 3, 2009
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The sexual act of two girls placing their asses together, and the man proceeds to have sex with the gap while spinning.
Leslie: "Would you mind doing an eighty-eight (88) with Jamie and I?"
Ricky: "How could I say no?"
by reeltrickz November 1, 2017
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