December 2nd is the day you give a girl named Mary your hoodie
Boy: hey heres my hoodie
Mary: why are you giving this to me?
Boy: your name is mary and it's December 2nd
by usuckpp November 30, 2022
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Juice Wrlds birthday is on December 2nd
by Caltrain 907 February 8, 2021
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December 2nd is the day everyone will raid Britney Spears’ house.

“Hey what’s on December 2nd?”
“Oh it’s the day we raid Britney Spears’ house!”
by www.shoot July 9, 2021
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December 2nd is the day when religitard and Con-servatives gather around public place (in Indonesia, they gather in Monas) and make some mess
There is so much complain during December 2nd: Traffic jam, Re-routed Public Transportation, and phony buzzers on social media due to Con-servatives
by Sir. B December 3, 2019
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December 2nd is a worldwide known appreciation day, created in honor of bunnyqueen1243
Person 1: hey whats today
Person 2: bro you didnt know its December 2nd?
Person 1: oh my bad, its appreaciation day isnt it?
Person 2: thats right bro
by Rayraid_en November 28, 2021
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