randy is an emo with short hair
randy is a rats nutsack
by darrelbaldski91 April 21, 2022
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An adorable couple including Andy Fowler and Rye Beaumont. Each of them are presented in the British/Irish boy band know as ‘Roadtrip’.
(Random fan): Yo, you ever heard of Randy?
(Random fan2): Actually, no.
(Random fan): Rye Beaumont? Andy Fowler?
(Random fan2): Sounds like a ship honestly..
(Random fan): That’s because it is :
by Etergal November 28, 2019
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radly, river, soroush, basically everyone.
your so randy
by michel11 November 17, 2021
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Randy is the sexiest man alive, unlike Morris, Juan, or Anyone else, (fuck off Rochelle) His dick is so big it can ZA WArUdO your fucking ass cheeks

I’m lucky I’m a Randy
You’re so hot, wait hot is an understatement, You’re so Randy”
by Lord_Dio March 11, 2020
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a dude that smells really bad.
person 1: He is really cute
person 2:But he smells like randy
by TRANNNY August 7, 2020
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Simply a masterpiece of a human being. He’s amazing and funny and nice to all he meets. You’ll never meet a nicer person even if he’s British. He may like tea, which is confusing but one he try’s hot coco there’s no going back.
Person 1: Have you tried Hot coco?
Randy: it’s so much better than tea!
by Theredbugger May 25, 2020
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