getting ready to leave, peace out, action of- raising two fingers for the peace sign
Homie: ayo i gotta roll, raising two

Dude: Hey you leaving
friend: yea raising two
by Dale aka Milkman aka Ganggreen September 1, 2006
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A person who, in what is no doubt an effort to look as knowledgeable as another in a given conversation, gives up listening and tries with their allotted conversational brainpower to predict the last two (sometimes one when they are feeling lax) words of your sentence. once predicted, they will try to time themselves saying it on top of you doing so, allegedly establishing their knowledge on whatever you're talking about.
No man i tried to talk to him about the sales but every time i would present an idea he showed brazenly how much of an in-two-ruptor he is and then just shook his head and presented his own. guys a fucking tool bag.
by skwerley October 7, 2009
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for two sheep i fuck off back home me, two sheep
by sky high October 29, 2008
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A person who has lost most teeth due to meth use or poor oral hygiene. Most often, this person dwells in a trailer park or an urban cesspool. More often than not, this person is painfully oblivious to the reaction of others to their repugnant mouth.
After Patsy Jo passed out drunk in the parking lot , Rectall, her skinny two-tooth husband , dragged her to the truck and took off before the cops got there.
by W34 January 6, 2018
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When one makes a generalization on something, and there are only two examples in which said event has occurred.
Person 1: "Yeah, that person always sings".

Person 2: "He's only sang at your birthday, and at the store. Two theory".
by two theorizer April 4, 2010
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The phenomenon that occurs during sexual intercourse when the male partner remains erect post ejaculation. Thus, providing another opportunity to ejaculate.
Person 1: Did you already blow your load???
Person 2: Yeah buts it's fine, I had Two In The Chamber, so I'm still good to keep going.
by Criss Cross Apple Sauce September 22, 2021
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When you make 2 packets of indomie mi goreng 2 minute noodles in one bowl because 1 isn't enough
Hey man, do you want a two goreng or a single mi goreng?

How many gorengs do you do?
by TeaChai December 26, 2022
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