Hopeless Romantics are NOT Hopeless per-say, but very true, caring, and loving people. They are "NOT MADE FOR TODAYS STANDARDS", sadly. They believe in passion, chivalry, and true love. They have loved sincerely at one point in their life, discovered what love feels like, and can't understand why it was not returned in the same form. Hopeless Romantics are usually dreamers, idealists, and sincere, however what they expect in any relationship is a full return for their effort and caring, to be loved as much as they loved. What makes them "Hopeless" is the fact that they are few and far between in todays daily life, and usually get let down in the long run, even though they gave all they had to give, money, love, time, housing, belongings. Hopeless Romantics give 100% ALL the time, and hope for the same in return.
Hopeless Romantic - "One Day you'll find sumone who appreciates you, loves you, u gave so much, u were so true and faithful, u did EVERYTHING RIGHT" - you
by Lost Cause 1011 September 30, 2009
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A code or rules to live by when romance is involved.
all romantic dreams are to be shared with your partner.
you have to tell me about your dream it is part of the romantical code.
by Jael.pet.isis April 8, 2013
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The opposite of a hopeless romantic. The hopeful romantic is someone who loves the idea of love, but also lives in the real world. They see the world as full of possibilities to find their love. They know that they will find someone to love, or may have already found that someone. They see the world optimistically because they know from experience that things are pretty good. Hopeful romantics take their time, don't rush into things and, instead, play the field.
"I love Ben Lee's music. He's such a hopeful romantic."

Person 1: "Dude, you've been single for six months. Why are you so happy?"
Person 2: "What can I say? I'm a hopeful romantic."
by M4d Baumer September 19, 2010
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A person you're so close to that you feel like yours peas in the same pod, but you are also in love with each other
Person 1: Nobody gets me the way you do bro, love you to the moon and back
Person 2: right back at you babe, you're like my bro but romantically
by Simplydank May 14, 2020
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Difficulty defining one's romantic status.
This romantic ambiguity is often reflected in conversations with people who are single.

When asked to define their romantic status, they give answers like, "Well, it's sort of up in the air ..." and "It's really complicated!" and "How much time do you have?" and "I would define it as, hmm, dating? Ish? Dating-ish?"
by Aries Man April 18, 2014
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A wank with some romance
Shaun liked nothing better than a Romantic Wank after a long day at the office. Put on some Barry White run a hot bath light some candles and charm the snake while getting freaky like Grace Jones until bed time.
by PoOpa FoOker December 14, 2015
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Romantic sex is fantastic. It’s all about foreplay, building anticipation and connecting emotionally. Having romantic sex with your partner is all about being vulnerable with each other. It’s about using sex as a way to connect on a deeper level. It’s an expression of love, instead of solely a way to climax. Take your time while focusing on your partner’s pleasure. Kiss, touch, and explore each other. Don’t rush through it in favor of the big finale. Be verbal, moan, tell your partner you love the way their body feels. Say I love you. These are guaranteed ways to bring a little romance into your sex life. Caressing, giving massages, cuddling, hugging, kissing on the face, and holding hands have been strongly linked to partner satisfaction. It goes without saying that fast sex isn’t romantic sex. If you feel yourself close to finishing but your partner isn’t there yet, stop, calm down, and start again. Enjoy the moment.
Romantic sex is fantastic.
by imonlyunpocoloco July 29, 2020
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