the act of being unusual or crazy
Edem: Damn my mama was trippin

Jasmine: I know wut u mean...she wasn't bein too ratchet was she?
by Jazzy F. January 16, 2008
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a person that lives a ratchet lifestyle and lives life in a ratchet, out of hand manner. someone that gets ratchet as fuck on a regular basis.
"i can't wait to get ratchet as fuck as that deal with my ratcheters tonight"

"where are all my ratcheteers at?"

-"he's so fucked up right now"
-" yea i know. he's one of my ratcheers"
by Mr. Ratchet November 15, 2010
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A ratchet is one that may have a 1/8 tank of gas, his/her car is about to get repossessed but they still put rims on it that cost more than the actual car, don't have nor want a job, will stank a fool, rent is late, water already cut off, but they will still hit up the Koko and spend 3 stacks. True Ratchets love that Cajun Daquiri all day happy hour (Thug Passion, Pimp Juice) and Southern Classic.
Keep it ratchet.
by spliff-a-rillo February 4, 2010
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When something is just ugly or some crap like that, the cute lombax from ratchet and clank
Guy 1: His name is ratchet
Guy 2: Hes not ugly though
Guy 1: ikr
by SUMFURRYTHING August 20, 2018
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(1)Literal definition: a socket wrench used mainly auto-mechanics.
(2)Slang: beyond ghetto (mainly used on women).
(1)I just bought this brand new ratchet from the Snap-On truck. it has 22 teeth!
(2)"Did you see that girl wearing pj's and hair curlers to the grocery store!?!"

"Yeah, she's so ratchet."
by XxjoemommaxX October 12, 2014
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Also know as being a delrae. An overweight female who lacks class, is a drunk or crack user, craves attention and tends to be a home wrecker. Also known to be an extremely bad example of another person's sobriety. Instigator and will flaunt your weakness in front of you.
She's a ratchet ass hoe.

Don't be a delrae!
by 6721905 June 25, 2017
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