The act of, upon reaching a stop light/sign, all the members of a vehicle bail out and dash laps around someone else's car until the light changes or the other people around you get really pissed.
Hey man, I'm bored, let's go do a few Polish Fire Drills at the next red light.
by whowhatwhere March 24, 2008
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The REAL chinese fire drill
A "Chinese fire drill" is when people trick a random stranger into entering their car amidst a lot of commotion. There is a lot of noise and movement, and the victim is usually distracted. During the time they're in the car, they're actually pricked with a needle carrying blood tainted with H.I.V.
They are then let out of the car, their assault unbeknownst to them.
Then they sleep with everyone at a party, and everyone dies.

Especially Casper.
by Yeah I said that September 5, 2012
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a racist term that denotes that something is completely haywire. When one says that something is as "hosed up like a Chinese fire drill" it means that there is a massive confusion going on. The complexities and complications of the Chinese language is probably a factor in the use of this term. Still, it's a racist term to use because it implies that Chinese people don't have their shit together. Besides, if you were to see a REAL fire drill in China it probably would be just as orderly as one held in the West, even with the Chinese language being as difficult as it is. Sometimes the term "Polish fire drill" is used to mean the same thing.
Billy is 16 and taking driver's ed. He pumped the accelerator too forcefully. He killed the engine and needs to wait a minute or two, then start it up again. Sitting next to him is the driving instructor Gerald. Gerald tells Billy that he's got it all fucked up like a Chinese fire drill.
by I Saw U2 Live Twice October 14, 2007
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Much like the Japanese fire escape, the Latin fire drill involves having sex on a car at a stop light (much like Chinese fire drill) but has the added requirement that all participants must be wearing sombreros and a mariachi band must be in attendance, preferably emerging from the trunk of the car
"Damn John, Adam had quite a large mariachi band when he preformed the Latin fire drill last week on mulberry.
by Silver panthers February 16, 2014
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When a whole lot of asians take a dump at the same time.

man, manufacturing set off a Cambodian fire drill, HASMAT came out and everything!!
by JW SEATTLE July 26, 2006
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The Irish fire drill is an alternate performance of the Chinese fire drill, in which one member of the traveling party exits the vehicle (while stopped at a light or in traffic), urinates, and then returns to the vehicle.
Connor: Come on guys, I really have to pee.
Sully: We're already late, just perform an Irish fire drill.
Connor: *leaves car, urinates on road shoulder, returns to car*
by TheSpaceman August 15, 2010
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exact same as a chinese fire drill but one person is not allowed to drive. This person is pointed out by the driver.
-lets have a chinese fire drill
-fuck no, hesse is a jackass. we need to go north korean
-ok we cant let hesse drive
-north korean fire drill it is.
by THUNDER_N_U_T_Z March 25, 2010