The improper spelling of "compact disc". If you ever say "disk" when reffering to any flat circular object, being it a piece of media or not, then you are wrong, and deserve to die for being a FUCKING IDIOT.
"I have soooo many compact disks, and I love taking it up the shitpipe!"
by The King August 31, 2003
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Someone who loves cds sexually and is found to be gay.
Did you download that game? No it's on disk you disk fag.
by Diskfag October 17, 2017
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What is a disk space?
Bob from IBM: we'll need you to create some more disk space.
Tech: what is a 'disk space'?
by princess-tim February 10, 2009
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When you ask somebody if they like disks and cds and they say yes
"You like disks and cds?"


"How about I tape disk dick to yo forehead so you can cds nuts dropping on your forehead."
by The Mlolm April 28, 2022
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Take a dish or plate, piss on it, freeze the plate then when the plate is frozen take it an slide it under a victim's bedroom door in the late hours. The room temperature will do the rest.
1: My roommate slide a The Destructo Disk under my door last night. My room smelled so bad this morning. I think I'll get him back with the good ol' poo butter.

2: Bro slow down what's The Destructo Disk?

1: You know? When someone takes a frozen plate of piss and let's it warm up in your room?
by in_an_unmarked_grave June 4, 2021
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A 3.5" disk used to store 1.44MB, a ridiculous amount of space but it is now coming out of fashion.
"Dude, I feel chlostrophobic when I use a floppy disk."
by Soiled Undergarment August 17, 2003
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A group of people you love and couldn’t live without
You guys are really the disk wax.
by Thank you next December 8, 2018
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