When one has vaginal intercourse with at least three women in a day without washing his penis.

(Is generally abbreviated to DDHT)
Friend #1: Last spring break I totally pulled off a DDHT!

Friend #2: Dude, what's a DDHT???

Friend #1: The Dirty Dick Hat Trick bro!
by TheChoctawCountyKid November 27, 2017
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Slang term for homosexual males.

Limp wrist implise the campness and female like act of the stereotypical gay man.


Dirty dicks is becuase of the anal sex that gays have.
"If that limp wrist dirty dick touches me i am gonna fucking drop the cunt"
by Dan Rodgers November 20, 2004
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An STD ridden vagina.
“Hey dude how was it?” “Never doing it again. She has a Dirty Dick’s Crab Shack
by CR1M1NAL7244 September 5, 2020
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Having anal sex with your girlfriend's best friend & then afterwards having your unsuspecting girlfriend give you oral sex.
She was unaware of her boyfriend's Dingy Dirty Dick.
by Little Sneeks April 5, 2022
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A term used to describe someone who has wronged you or simply has licked a dirty dick!
That bitch at the bar kicked my stool out from under me and yelled “Jenga.” What a dirty dick licker.
by Sarcastica69 March 21, 2022
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When you weeb on a preload until it’s half empty and then sell it for full price to a freshman
Don’t do the freshman dirty dick down on it
by KronKrootleBooted April 3, 2018
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When you ring out the sweat from your boxers during a major case of swamp-ass and save it in a vessel.
Man I was at a live show and danced my ass off. My boxers were so saturated with swamp ass I could’ve accumulated an entire Gatorade bottle of ‘Dirty Dick Water’!
by JoelskiJizzle September 1, 2022
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