A term used exclusively to describe which variety of taco you refer to at Taco Bell. Other variations include: soft.
by shut up nerd July 5, 2021
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those little gooey crunchy things found at the bottom of some italian ices, usually the sweetest part of the italian ice
When i was little i would flip my italian ice over so i could eat the crunchies first
by EmRo May 7, 2006
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Crack induced munchies
I just shot up and now i have the Crunchies real bad
by kylebar7 September 29, 2010
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1. Shut the fuck up you crunchy ass bitch!
2. You are so crunchy...

3a Something happens
3b (reaction) "crunchy..."
by Ink Boy Green February 25, 2020
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Adjective: a white person who is not a complete dick, having intriguing interests more than Starbucks and yoga pants with ugg boots and/or bro-like. Someone who respects other people and contributes to the world.
That white dude is hella crunchy.
by BabyG_bgirl January 20, 2020
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The main stalk in a lettuce leaf that provides a crunchy texture and ruins a good salad
This salad was mostly crunchies which made it basically inedible
by Mbwata December 27, 2017
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